The commUNITY kit is a subscription box uniquely curated to help you explore UNITY topics on your own or as part of a group. Each month a different topic sets the tone for UNITY or you have the option to select an individual box with the topic of your choice. Coming Soon!

Three x Three will soon offer a new product line called the commUNITY kit: a subscription box uniquely curated to support your exploration of diversity, equity, and inclusive leadership (DEI) topics individually or as a team.

Each month we will offer curated boxes centered on themes created to align with Three x Three’s framework for prosperity to help guide your DEI journey and put UNITY back in community. 

Why commUNITY kit?

The creators of commUNITY kit want to be clear that, while the goal of community building is UNITY, the process is not all flowers and rainbows. It is a process of getting through the ugly, threatening storms of misunderstanding, inequality, and injustice with the intention to build connection, belonging, and abundance for all.

UNITY begins with an open heart and mind and a willingness to create understanding of one another’s lived experience. We believe that this journey toward understanding can grow into connection with one another. When we feel a connection with one another, we begin to see the injustices and inequities that permeate our social and economic systems. This awareness then leads us to join our voices and speak up for justice. And…that, my friends, is UNITY.


1. Tell Us About Your DEI Journey 

Are you curious about DEI topics? Hoping to Grow Your Knowledge? Ready to Take Action as an Ally? Tell us more about what you are looking for so Three x Three can meet you at your stage in the DEI journey.

2. Select Monthly Subscription or Individual Box

Monthly Subscriptions will be curated for you based on where you are in your journey. If you select an Individual Box it will include the ‘book of the month’ that corresponds with your phase of the DEI journey.

3. Explore and Engage with UNITY topics independently or as a team! 

Three x Three offers conversation guides and UNITY tips to help spark thoughtful discussions as you engage with the material.


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Put UNITY back in community!

Inside your commUNITY kit

A book chosen for you, paired with a Conversation Starter Guide, that aligns with Three x Three’s monthly DEI theme.

Curated UNITY Tips Guide with suggested action steps you can take to put the UNITY back in YOUR community. 

A special gift to serve as a reminder of your journey to understanding. Items will align with the monthly theme and be produced by a local St. Louis artist or small business!

commUNITY kit General Topics

commUNITY kit General Topics Include (but are not limited to):

Systemic racism, colonialism, gender identity, privilege & power, difference, UNITY and much, much more. 

There is so much that we, at Three x Three, would love to share with you through the commUNITY kit and this very small list just barely scratches the surface. Stay tuned and join us as we grow together as aspiring allies!

Who is the commUNITY kit for?

Anyone can use the commUNITY kit – individuals, work teams, students, church groups, book clubs, and anyone who sees themselves in one of these stages and wants to continue their DEI journey: 

CURIOUS: I want to learn more but I am not sure where to start.

GROW: I have spent time learning about DEI and am ready to take the next step to become an advocate and ally. 

ACT: I have a strong understanding of DEI and I want to continue learning by putting what I know into action.


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Put UNITY back in community!


Dr. Kristen Wagner brings over twenty years of experience working alongside diverse communities of people from all walks of life, with different world views, and a wide range of ‘being’. Dr. Wagner has researched, taught, and facilitated conversations about community wealth building and strategies to honor diversity, support equity, and strengthen inclusion in places where we live, work, and play.

As a white, cis-gendered, able-bodied woman, she is deeply committed to her responsibility as an aspiring ally to better understand the experiences of others, to co-design strategies for building inclusive communities and workplaces, and to end systems of oppression for all to realize their full potential.

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